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ASCOWA is a wall integrated exhaust air heat pump - providing fresh air, heating and cooling without need for air ducting or bulky visable units.

Single room solution - one unit per room

Fresh Air, Heating and Cooling

A new approach

In our age of miniaturization we focused the exhaust air heat pump - providing fresh air that is either heated or cooled before entering the room, from a single unit that is fitted inside the wall itself. A small cover on the inside and outside is the only visible parts after installation.


The wall thickness can be up to 500 mm in the standard version and the hole in the wall shall be at least 128 mm.

The hassle you avoid

With ASCOWA...

There is no need for air ducts, or a cooling or heating medium with  baffles. This means you don't have to close the building during installation. A unit is installed in less than a day, one room at the time. You probably won't need building permits and there is little impact on exterior and interior design.

Maintenance is done from the inside and the units are controlled from a website (e.g. from the reception desk) or a mobile phone (e.g. the occupant of the room). Once set, the unit controls the climate to the set temperature and ventilation rate.

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Performance that matters

Extremely energy efficient

We all care about the environment and what better way to do your part than to install a heat pump that delivers up to 360 Watt heating to the incoming air with less than 55 Watt electrical power?


Even better - you avoid an energy consuming building project to begin with and can rely on the recyclable design of ASCOWA. 


Indeed, you are a true environmental hero!

"Don't explain your ideology, embody it!"

Epictetus, who, we are sure, thought of environmental heroes of the third millenia.


  • Up to 38 m3/h fresh air flow

  • As little as 27 dBA 3m sound pressure

  • Up to 370 Watts of heating power to the incoming air (e.g. providing 40°C air when outside temperature is below -15°C)

  • Up to 160 Watts of cooling power to the incoming air

  • Electrical consumption 50-55 Watts depending on settings

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